10 things you probably did not know about me......

10 things about me you may not know
1 .    I’ve been in the real estate industry for 17 years. I started as a weekend secretary at RE/MAX Excellent Properties in Prairieville for Sandy Ogburn/Broker, and worked almost every position from scheduling appointments, MLS input, customer service, listing coordinator, Vice President of Sales & Marketing, and then Realtor. I am currently a Team Leader at RE/MAX FIRST in Baton Rouge. Top RE/MAX in the state!

2.    .   I have three sons, aged 23, 17, and 14. My oldest will soon graduate from LSU Nursing School. My middle son, Cameron, is one of the kindest, coolest teenagers ever, and my 14 year old is the most computer literate kid I know.

3.  .     I am a music junkie. Music is a major part of my life and in some ways has been therapeutic. I love the way a song can instantly take you back to a forgotten memory and brighten your day. I love all music genres. My playlist would probably shock you. My faves are Stevie Nicks, Dave Matthews, Incubus, Pearl Jam, anything that includes Maynard James Keenan, Blake Shelton, Kari Jobe, Hillsong, Alice In Chains, Radiohead, Chili Peppers, Aerosmith, Sublime, Chris Cornell, Linkin Park, Kenny, Zac, Old school hip hop…and pretty much all 70’s music thanks to my parents.

4.    .   I met my husband at a Coke machine. YEP!!! Told him that day that I loved him and would marry him one day. Many moons later….we are still here, together J

5.     .  I am from Zachary, Louisiana. I enjoyed growing up in a small town for the most part. I grew up in a neighborhood where the neighbors actually visited in the afternoons, shared dinner and company, and looked after each other. In my eyes, at the time, it was comparable to Mayberry. Ha ha ha.

6.      . I am a Christian. I was raised mostly in a VERY Southern Baptist Church. My husband was raised Catholic. We attend Healing Place church and find that it is a perfect fit for our beliefs and love that their doors are open to everyone.

7.       I love the ocean and all things related. I lost my mother at a very young age. Many of my memories are of our family beach trips. The salty air and sand in my toes makes me feel closer to her – even if for a few moments. It’s also amazing for clearing my crazy mind.

8.       I believe in setting goals and working hard to achieve them. My office is filled with goal boards, vision boards, and motivational quotes to help me stay on track. Prior to setting goals (many years ago), I feel like I was just going through the motions and unsure why.

9.       I’ve hit rock bottom more than once. I’ve been helpless. I’ve been lost. I’ve been depressed. I’ve been poor, and I have been hungry. All of this has taught me compassion, gratefulness, and how to hustle and never give up. I may hit rock bottom again, but I will always bounce back. Pray. Lean on God. A great mentor once told me that 99% of the things we worry about never happen and it’s true! Be positive. Find a way…..and NEVER BE TOO PROUD TO ASK FOR HELP!!!

10.   I’m a complete night owl. In fact, I am writing this at 2am with an appointment scheduled at 8am tomorrow. I may not answer my phone one the first ring at 8am, but I will be up working on marketing for my clients and business late nights and early mornings. Now, If only I could show property to my night owl clients this late. J Why, oh, why, does my brain turn on at bedtime???

Pics from my office.......

Notice Dave Matthews up there. LOL. 

There you have it. 10 crazy, random, fun facts about me! Now, tell me about you!!


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